This War of Mine Wiki
Could you keep these meds for my friend?

- Yosyp

Yosyp is an in-game neighbor who will give the player 2 Medications and 1 Herbal Meds. Although he asked the player to keep them for his friend Anna when she comes, players can freely use those supplies without any consequences, as Anna will never return to the shelter. He is one out of the four altruistic neighbors, which only appears in low intensity conflicts scenarios (as in Marko Solo)

Character Reactions[]

Cveta and Marko will have thought:

"That Anna is one lucky girl to have such a friend. Most people would just keep the meds for themselves."

Cveta will be content while Anton won't but have thought:

"Maybe we should keep these meds for ourselves? What are the odds that the girl is even alive?"


"That girl probably won't come, maybe we could put these meds to good use"


"That boy care about this Anna so much that he trusted us. Will she really come here? I wonder."


"Naive boy. His Anna is probably dead. He should've kept the meds for himself."
