This War of Mine Wiki
For the version from the Forget Celebrations DLC, see Katia (Forget Celebrations).

I grew up in this city, but went abroad to study and started working as a reporter. I'd been away for years. When the troubles escalated into a war, I was picked to write reports on it. I'd have volunteered anyway, I was so anxious to check on my parents. But it was too late. I found my house in ruins, my family had disappeared. I've been looking for them ever since.

–Katia's Description


Katia is one of the many Playable Characters found in the game. She's a journalist assigned to report on the war in Pogoren, and takes the opportunity to look for her missing parents.

She has Bargaining Skills, which allows her to earn 20% more from Trades than other survivors.


Katia's in-game appearance.


Katia appears very tattered, wearing a brown turtleneck shirt torn vertically in the front over another brown shirt. Her jeans have a hole on her right knee. She carries a grey sack on her back.


Katia belongs to the homie archetype. An outgoing person who used to maintain a wide social circle, she's developed a belief in solidarity.

Katia has a great sense of community. She’s greatly sensitive to the needs of others around her, and is always happy to help those in need. She's easily depressed by her fellow survivors' distress, as well as atrocities committed against other civilians. However, she has an easier time brushing off crimes against dangerous individuals like bandits and soldiers, arguing that they're a threat to the community as a whole. If her mood is negative, she’s likely to lose sleep, possibly prompting another survivor to stay awake and console her. She will never rob the shelter when leaving.

If traumatized enough, she will permanently shift to the insensitive modifier. Katia looks out for her fellow survivors first and foremost, and is more accepting to crimes, as well as more dismissive about NPCs’ misfortune, so long as it means her friends are safe and sound.

Possibly due to a bug, she seems more sensitive to mood changes than Pavle and Marko in the same archetype.


Katia's Bargaining Skills makes her the obvious choice for trading. She can buy extra goods from Franko that otherwise have to be acquired through scavenging, essentially making her worth 1-2 more inventory slots. She can also be sent to other locations with possible trade (e.g at the Garage or Central Square). Her decent inventory size of 12 spaces also makes her a good scavenger in general. She also plays the guitar rather well, on par with Roman.

She should not be sent into dangerous territories without some thought. Her combat skills are lower than average, but she can still instakill in stealth ambushes with any melee weapons above the crowbar. She is significantly worse as a Guard.

Note that she's more vulnerable to mood changes than is typical for her archetype, and consequently to any crimes that might be committed.

Recruitment Speech[]

Hi, I'm Katia. Before this hell broke out I used to work as a reporter. I was the first to deliver breaking news, meet important people, and I travelled a lot. Now I don't even know where my family is. I hope they went into hiding and are ok. I'll stay here with you until the fighting is over, ok?

Death Note[]

Katia will not find her parents after all. She still had her diary, her parents should get it when this is over.

–Note on dead body

Character Story[]

  1. "I've been around more than any of my friends and relatives. I've met famous people, readers found my interviews funny and incisive. But when I try to write down my experiences... I'm stuck. I want to find and hug my folks, not write about them. I wish I had been seeing them more often."
  2. "This city used to welcome everybody with open arms. I loved the old town cafes where I could meet new friends from all over the world. Will people ever become this easygoing again? If we make it through, I must do what I can to help them remember how it was. Because we can accomplish a lot if we just stand together."
  3. "When, defeated, I was about to leave my parents' neighborhood, my childhood friend recognized me. I thought he'd help me find out what happened to my folks. Turned out it was I who could help. A local girl had been held up by the army under some pretense. Everybody turned up at the base to protest and demand her release. They needed a deputy."
  4. "I marched into the base flashing my press badge and demanded - in English! - to see the commander. After a bit of bickering, he assured me that there must have been some mix-up and that the girl would be released. I guess the envelope with "evidence" gathered among the locals helped as much as my bluff... but what counts is that we got her out."

Traumatized variants:[]

  1. ''I've been around more than any of my friends and relatives, been to the Oscar galas, talked to socialites. I should've stayed with my own people and talked to my folks. Instead, I wasted my life writing fluff pieces on buffoons - and deemed it important! You don't appreciate what you have until you lose it.''
  2. "So many years I've spent away that I hardly recognized my city. I used to be friends with everybody. Now, if I smile to a stranger I'm taken for a fool or a prostitute or, worse still, a snitch. But I'm fine with that, there are other ways to compel people into seeing things my way."
  3. "I was about to leave my parents' neighborhood empty-handed when an acquaintance halted me and said that there was a "situation" I could help with. The army had arrested a local beauty under some cooked up charge. I guess it doesn't need explaining what she was wanted for. The locals pooled the ransom money and needed someone to deliver it."
  4. "My press badge and a bit of bluffing bought me five minutes with the commander. It was all I needed to convince him that it would be in his best interests to give up the girl and take the bribe. He insisted that we exchange contacts to meet "in more opportune circumstances". I agreed... I still could use the opportunity to erase that smug smile off his face forever."


Spoiler Warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Ending Description
Dead "Katia never found her parents, but they did find her grave one day with her war diary buried alongside. They published it without any alterations. It became a bestseller."
Suicide "Unable to cope with what had transpired, Katia broke down completely. She was found dead, her hand still clutching her war diary. Her parents never learnt about her fate."
Abandoned "Katia left the shelter one night, leaving behind her war diary. It was passed to her distraught parents, who published it after a few years."
Rejected "Katia's smooth talking didn't secure her a place in the shelter. Unfortunately, she was later captured by the military and spent the rest of the war imprisoned. She never spoke of what happened to her in captivity."
Karma "After the war Katia located her parents in a refugee camp abroad, but they were no longer the people she knew. They remained abroad, where they're struggling to forget the past. Katia has burnt all her notes and she never writes about the war."
Sad "Katia used her contacts to find her parents in a refugee camp abroad. She returned to her city, but they refused and once again they were separated. After a few years they passed away and only then did Katia find the determination to publish her war diary."
Good "Katia used her contacts to find her parents in a refugee camp abroad. She brought them back to the city and helped them rebuild their house. Soon after that she published her war diary, which became a bestseller and drew widespread attention to the fate of civilians during war."


  • Katia is the only character who has a revealed fate in the rejected ending. Strangely enough, she had a revealed bad fate in the rejected ending and an open-ended (or unknown) fate in the abandoned ending (that is much better than the former), which is a reversed case to most other survivors.
    • She is also the only character that has two variants after the Forget Celebrations DLC as of 11th December 2024.
Playable Characters
70px-Anton 70px-Arica 70px-Boris 70px-Bruno 70px-Cveta 70px-Emilia
Anton Arica Boris Bruno Cveta Emilia
70px-Katia 70px-Marin 70px-Marko 70px-Pavle 70px-Roman 70px-Zlata
Katia Marin Marko Pavle Roman Zlata